Documentation for AniDB aid search written by eloyard

This document describes how to search for aid by anime title in AniDB using service provided by eloyard.

Table of contents

  1. Specifications
    1. Query specification
    2. Original AniDB XML dump specification
    3. Response specification
  2. Limitations
    1. Limitations of data
    2. Limitations of service
  3. Notes
    1. Changelog
    2. Resources
    3. Misc.


Query specification

  • Host:
  • Request method: GET
  • Request file: index.php
  • Request parameters:
    • name: task; value: always 'search'
    • name: query; value: URL encoded, MySQL 5.1 Full-Text Boolean Search compatible
    • Additionaly: putting \ character in front of query (i.e. \to ) forces search for exact whole given string (minus first - \ character, obviously), by using MySQL like function instead, without % or _ modifiers, it also disables script's stopwords for this query.
    • name: langs; value: coma separated list of language codes (same as in original dump) of relevant4 response's titles, defaults to: ja,x-jat,en,x-unk

Original AniDB XML dump specification

See: Specs at AniDB wiki

Response specification

  • Response is for most part compatible with above mentioned AniDB XML title dump, so reffer to it.
  • Differences:
    • Location. 1
    • Dynamically generated in realtime, according to query. 2
    • Up to 100 anime elements are returned.
    • Up to 1000 title elements in total are returned. 3
    • Optional presence of exact attribute in title element. The only possible, and required, value is string exact. When attribute is present, it denotes that this particular title has matched exactly given query and is not added as an alternative title.
    • Irrelevant titles are omitted.
    • lang attribute is not in xml namespace. 5
    • All other non-stylistic changes are not intended and should be reported as bugs.


Limitations of data

  • Data is provided by public, community based database - AniDB. Access is free of charge.
  • Latest data dump.
  • More information.
  • As data is considered external (with internal, automatic, caching) i hold no responsibility of any kind about it's availability, contents or whatever else.

Limitations of service

  • Service is provided by me in faith that someone may find it useful. I do not guarantee it working as specified, working in timely manner or working at all.
  • It is provided as is. It may melt your face off, so be warned.



  • RC1 released on 20th of April, AD 2010



  1. Ovious one, heh. Go back.
  2. Therefore, although response is based on AniDB XML dump, it'll not have exactly the same content. Go back.
  3. Yes, it's total number of title elements returned per query, so in theory it's possible to have anime elements omitted because lot's of titles returned for animes higher up on list. Go back.
  4. Relevance is based on preffered languages reported by client in query, by default those are: english, japanese, japanese transcription and unknown (often used for unofficial, yet popular, anime names/abbreviations). Main and Official titles are always relevant, no matter the title. Same applies to titles with exact attribute set. Go back.
  5. Makes things easier on simple parsers. Go back.

You can also find me on AniDB as eloyard

